Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Discourse of JB

Justin and Interviews (and Jesus)
Justin Bieber has shown his relationship with god and has mentioned it continuously throughout his career. The most obvious way that he has done this is through interviews. You can find that Justin has always somehow been a part of the Christian world since being in the public eye.

As a side note, it is important to know that Justin Bieber's mother is a very devout Christian and speaks about how she "dedicated Justin to the Lord as a baby, as Hannah did with Samuel in 1 Samuel 1. I wasn't in a relationship with Justin's dad, and I remember praying, ‘God, I need you to be the father he doesn't have. Please surround my son with godly men.’ Through the years I prayed repeatedly for God's protection over Justin and for him to really fear and know the Lord. I taught him Scripture.”  Justin’s mom’s beliefs obviously influenced him a lot when he was younger.
For example, in Justin Bieber's first interview ever, which was more an interview of his mother Pattie Mallete, took place on the show “Full Circle”, a Christian daily television talk show. Bieber is brought up by the women who are on the show and they discuss his upcoming music career and how he is going to be soon moving to the united states in order to pursue it. In the almost two minute clip the panel of people on the show mention god, and prayer numerous times. Specifically praying for Justin is mentioned at 0:39, 1:30, and 1:41 in the video clip. 
In the past two years Justin has expressed a change in how he goes about speaking about religion and is relationship with g-d. This change is a great contrast from where he was on that couch with his mother in the interview linked above. At around two minutes into the video Justin says, "You don't got to go to church every Sunday to believe in G-d. If that works for you then cool." He also continues to explain that early on "... There were so many weird people that came around and they were like 'blessing'... just because you say like these weird Christian things... Does that make you better? So it got weird for me." Although Justin expresses his issues with those religious people who had been in his life before, he continuous to explain around the fourth minute of the video that people should be able to have a relationship with G-d, and that he should just be “this idea, and this thing.”

What Justin shares in this interview about religion shows a shift in his beliefs, but does not show that he does not believe in g-d or Christianity. Just those who act strange about it. By doing this he is also showing his fans although people may be odd when it comes to religion you should still believe, which is a great way to share without scaring those listening to what you have to say, in comparison to how is first interview mentioned religion.  Justin Bieber is showing that he is a more accepting person because of his shift in belief and through doing that he is able to spread his beliefs more.

Justin and Music (and Jesus)

Justin uses references to g-d and Christianity also in his music in order to spread his beliefs to those listening. Most recently this can be heard in his newest album, “Purpose.” Many of the songs can be related to his beliefs and even the album cover which shows him in a position of prayer. 

One of the songs that is a great example from his new album is the song titled "Life is Worth Living";
What I’d give for my affection
Is a different perception
From what the world may see
They try to crucify me
I ain’t perfect, wont deny
My reputations on the line…
Life is worth living, so live another day
The meaning of forgiveness
People make mistakes
Only God can judge me...
In this song Justin expresses his belief in Christianity by expressing that “only god can judge me.” He also continuously asks for forgiveness for the things that he has done, which is a very Christian like thing to do. Lastly the use of the world “crucify” is a direct play into the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, therefore expressing a type of religious belief in the song.
Another example of Christianity on his newest album in the song titled “Purpose”, the same as the title of the album, the song goes;
Thinking my journey’s come to an end
Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
I’m more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit’s at ease

I put my heart into your hands
Learn the lessons you teach
No matter when, wherever I am
You’re not hard to reach
And you’ve given me the best gift
That I’ve ever Known
You give me purpose everyday
You give me purpose in every way

This song shows Christian values because in it Justin asks for forgiveness for his sings, and speaks about his spirit. It also relates to Christianity by using terms such as “forever peace” which is more often used in church than in every day to day life. At the end of this song there is also a spoken part where he explains that, “It’s like G-d I’m giving it all I got, sometimes I’m weak and I’m gonna do it, and it’s like I’m not giving myself grace, I’m just like understanding, that’s just how it is.” By Justin mentioning grace, which is defined as “the love and mercy given to us by God because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it", he is also showing Christian values in his music again. He continues to show how devout he is throughout the rest of his album.

Within this album, which the more you listen to the more it seems like a gospel album, Justin is also able to get people to listen to it by including music that is not so obviously Christian.

Justin and Tattoos (and Jesus)
Another way that Bieber expresses and shares his beliefs is through what he wears on his body, specially the tattoos he has gotten. As of now Justin Bieber has fifty-four tattoos (that we know of) according to different fan websites online. Twelve of these tattoos are obviously religion themed.  In 2011 Justin Bieber and his father got matching tattoos while in Israel for his "My World" Tour. The tattoo, in Hebrew letters, spells out...


which translates to "Jesus” in English. The tattoo was the first of the twelve that pertain directly to his religious beliefs.
Justin then soon after got a popular image of Jesus Christ and hands in a stance of prayer, both on his left leg.
Soon after theses tattoos Justin also got the word "Believe", the geek symbol for the word "Christ", a bleeding globe on a cross, an Angel on his left wrist, an angel's wing on his left bicep, a Cherub Angel, 
a bible verse Pslam 119:05 on his right shoulder which says;
 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path Pslam 119:05"

, a large cross in the middle of his chest, and lastly his most recent tattoo which is of Angel Wings on the back on his neck. 
All of these tattoos that Justin is getting, and showing off for that matter, are a way for him to get his fans involved in his faith because by getting it permanently on his skin he is able to show how serious he is about it. This could cause those who see them to take a deeper interest in Christianity and g-d. They also show those in the Christian fate that he is a believer in the religion and that he is willing to show it on his skin.

Justin and People (and Jesus)
Justin Bieber can appeal to those in the general public because of how he has evolved his beliefs and how he shares them with those listening. He is not blatant about them in an obnoxious way, but those who are part of the Christian fate or believe in g-d are able to relate to him in that way. Those who do not relate to his belief system are able to relate to him in other ways, such as just enjoying his singing and live concerts. Or even just his attractive features.

Although those people may not be aware of what he is truly expressing at his concerts and his music, but that is something that allows him to connect even more and share other messages outside of just a religious belief. Whether this be self worth, or that people should try and help others.

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